Kelowna, British Columbia — ARCTIC MIST, a technology developed by TerraSense Analytics, has been awarded $1 Million to improve Canada’s Arctic surveillance. The funding is provided through the Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC)’s Canadian Safety and Security Program (CSSP). DRDC is the national leader in defence science and technology, tasked with developing and delivering new technical solutions and advice to the Department of National Defence, the Canadian Armed Forces, other federal departments, and the safety and security communities.
ARCTIC MIST is a sensor fusion product that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to help assist with the unique challenges that sensor operators face in the Arctic. This includes detecting and tracking oil spills and pollution, fishing and cargo vessels, naval traffic, threats to border security, and search and rescue.
Powered by AI, ARCTIC MIST can identify targets and pollution from multiple sensors that include high-resolution cameras, infrared, and side-looking airborne radar (SLAR), enabling operators to focus on high priority targets. When ARCTIC MIST detects targets of interest, video and any supporting data is automatically saved for future search and retrieve. The complete suite will be certified to avionics standards and can integrate with existing sensors and operating environments by adhering to international input-output standards.
“The artificial intelligence technology developed in ARCTIC MIST will enhance Canada’s domain awareness capabilities and improve the Canadian government’s protection of maritime and Arctic environments, we are excited to be a part of this collaboration,” says TerraSense Analytics CTO Jozsef Hamari.
Upon successful completion, the collaboration will result in a 12-month development contract funded by DRDC. Technical knowledge, data, and flight tests will be provided by the National Aerial Surveillance Program (NASP) / Transport Canada (TC), our lead government partner.
About TerraSense Analytics
TerraSense Analytics develops remote sensing technologies with a focus on deep learning. Partnered with several research institutions to advance the development of aerial sensing technology, data fusion and predictive maintenance, TerraSense Analytics provides services to both the government and the private sector, deploying intelligent sensor solutions to the most remote and hostile domains. For more information visit www.terrasense.ca/mist.
For further information on the DRDC challenge and procurement process, please visit: https://buyandsell.gc.ca/procurement-data/tender-notice/PW-19-00882586