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TerraSense Analytics awarded $199,995.12 six month contract through IDEaS program

Updated: Mar 20, 2023

Kelowna, British Columbia, 30 March 2021: TerraSense Analytics announced today they have been awarded a $199,995.12 six month contract through the Department of National Defence’s Innovation for Defence Excellence and Security (IDEaS) program for PIKE, (Predictive Intelligent Kinematic Ensemble). PIKE addresses the need for true predictive vehicular maintenance across vehicle fleets. Commercially available condition-based maintenance solutions lack the ability to scale to fleets of thousands of diverse vehicles and often rely on expensive and insecure hardware and developed urban infrastructure for connectivity. Those commercially available solutions claiming predictive maintenance capabilities do not venture beyond simple statistical models accounting for basic inputs such as vehicle make and mileage. PIKE envisages a centralized data hub, not just for individual vehicle makes and models, but to scale to vehicle fleets, allowing for fleetwide asset management and just-in-time, enterprise level, maintenance strategies. It will take into account existing Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS), operator inputs, maintenance records, as well as both existing onboard sensors and emergent sensor technology, to create a centralized database of information. TerraSense Analytics will apply machine learning to all data pipelines to create true predictive maintenance models.

“Our goal at the end of this six month project is to combine cutting-edge machine learning technology with real-world military requirements to validate true predictive maintenance in the field,” says TerraSense CTO Jozsef Hamari. TerraSense Analytics is collaborating with Dr. Zheng Liu of the University of British Columbia for the initial six month project. Dr. Liu has extensive experience in condition-based and predictive maintenance systems in industrial environments, onboard vehicles, and on aircraft, and will be leading the research and development of the PIKE fleet-level system architecture. The TerraSense Analytics team brings their experience in addressing the challenges of predictive maintenance on transmission lines, through their CRWN product, as well as sensor fusion technology through their MIST product.

About IDEaS The Innovation for Defence Excellence and Security (IDEaS) program is an investment of $1.6 billion over 20 years aimed at meeting the demands of today’s complex global defence and security environment. The program enables Canada to deliver the capabilities needed for a strong and agile military by providing financial support to foster innovation through contracts, contribution agreements and grants. The IDEaS program helps innovators by supporting analysis, funding research, and developing processes that facilitate access to knowledge. It will also support testing, integration, adoption, and acquisition of creative solutions for Canada’s defence and security communities. For more information on the IDEaS program, visit the website:

About TerraSense Analytics TerraSense Analytics develops remote sensing technologies with a focus on deep learning. Partnered with several research institutions to advance the development of aerial sensing technology, data fusion and predictive maintenance, TerraSense Analytics provides services to both the government and the private sector, deploying intelligent sensor solutions to the most remote and hostile domains. For more information visit


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